1. The value of a course in public speaking.
A. What is communications. How many people does it take to communicate (intracommunications-one person). Communication can be defined as the transactional process of creating meaning. Transactional means: the persons communicating are responsible for what occurs.
B. Why is public speaking so important. 1)for the's a required course. 2)It helps us succeed in nearly all professions. Five skills employers look for are: 1)verbal skills 2)interpersonal skills 3)decision-making skills. The other two are: 4)responsibility 5)initiative.
C. Public speaking also helps you: 1)organize your ideas and thoughts. 2)develop information-gathering ideas. 3)present ideas to others. 4)listen critically to the ideas of others.
2. The similarities between public speaking and everyday conversation. (Identify the major similarities and differences between public speaking and everyday conversation)
A. Three goals shared by public speaking and conversation. 1)inform people. 2)persuade people (your idea, believe, to take action). 3)entertain.
B. Skills public speaking and conversation share. (same as 1-C). 1)organize your ideas and thoughts. 2)gathering ideas. 3)audience-centered approach (tailor the message to audience). 4)listen critically to the ideas of others (feedback).
Key differences between public speaking and everyday conversation. (Identify the major similarities and differences between public speaking and everyday conversation).
C. Public speaking is more structured. 1)time limits on a have "rules." 2)listeners don't interrupt (captured audience).
D. Public speaking requires formal language. 1)no slang, jargon, bad grammar. 2)the speech is "polished" we practice it.
E. Public speaking has a different delivery method. 1)you know, like, ahhhhh, really. 2)no distracting manners (hands) and verbal habits.
3-4. Nervousness is normal and how to Control it. (Discuss methods of controlling nervousness and of making it work for, rather than against, a speaker.)
A. It is normal to feel nervous (give examples).
B. Two major ways to develop confidence 1)take a speech class (coach). 2)practice.
C. Tips speakers use to control stage fright. 1)think positive. 2)concentrate on the audience and speech rather than being nervous. 3)take a deep breath before doing your speech. 4)work hard on the introduction. 5)use eye contact (be careful,,,choose the right one). 6)use visual aids to help occupy the audience. 7)get a good night sleep. 8)remember...the audience doesn't really know you. (listeners usually cannot tell how tense a speaker really is...). 9)don't worry about mistakes. 10)don't think about stopping or anything else.
5. The speech communication process (identify the basic elements of the speech communication process).
A. Speaker.
B. Message-the goal-the intended message must be the message that is actually communicated. 1)meanings (ideas and feelings 2)symbols (words and actions that communicate meaning
C. Channel. 1)radio, tv, microphone, letter, combination of... 2)in speech class it will be more direct (see/hear).
D. The listener (person receiving the message). E. Feedback (that speaker gets from listeners. 1)verbal and/or non-verbal.
F. Noise (interference). 1)External noise (traffic, microphone feedback, baby cries, telephone ringing, coughing). 2)Internal noise (within the audience- lack of listening or concentration, daydreaming, thinking of something else).
G. Situation - time and place when speech occurs. 1)Candlelight dinner or loud bar or convention center.
6. Beware of cultural diversity when preparing speeches
A. Diversity and multiculturalism may affect speeches. 1)audiences are often different cultural, racial and ethnic backgrounds. 2)Beware of the cultural differences
B. Avoid ethnocentrism 1)the belief that one's own culture or group is superior to all others. 2)respect other ideas and cultures 3)when preparing...keep in mind the different ideas and cultures. 4)bridge the gaps in language and cultural background 5)be alert to the feedback you get from your audience.
C. Listeners also need to avoid ethnocentrism. 1)listen without being critical 2)don't reject speakers based on background.
4)Divide a sheet of paper into two columns. Label one side "Characteristics of an Effective Public Speaker. The other side label it "Characteristics of an Ineffective Public Speaker.
Circle your own strengths and weaknesses as a speaker.