Chapter 11
Using Language
1. Effective use of language is vital to a public speaker.
A. What you shouldn't do.
1)Using wrong english grammar or having an accent will put you in a group.
2)Using the wrong word can change the meaning.
2. Tips in using language.
A. Use familiar words, don't use abbreviations (example: like they do in
the army).
B. Use concrete words vs. abstract words (example: instead of "the
leader of this country" use "President Bill Clinton."
C. Eliminate Clutter - "Excuse me but I didn't have time to write
a short letter. (This is why TV news stories are only 1:30 long rather
than 15:00 minutes long.)
3. Other tips that I have......
1)rhythm...(repetition, pace, dramatic pause)
2)use language appropriately.
a)appropriate to occasion.
b)appropriate to audience.
c)appropriate to topic (war, wedding, birthday, going away ceremony.)
d)appropriate to the speaker (don't be someone else (Perot trying to be like Jesse Jackson).
3)Keep it nonsexist...avoid he and she