Chapter 12
1. Why Good Delivery is important for a successful speech.
A. A wonderfully written speech can be destroyed by poor delivery.
B. Good delivery is an art.
2. There are 4 basic methods of delivery a speech (pgs: 267-270).
1. Some speeches are read verbatim from a manuscript.
A. Practice to make sure it sounds natural
B. Establish eye contact
C. Manuscript is legible at a glance.
D. Talk with the audience rather than reading to them.
2. Some speeches are recited from memory.
A. concentrate on communicating with the audience rather than on remembering specific words.
3. Some speeches are delivered impromptu.
A. little or no immediate preparation.
B. Four tips for impromptu speech.
1)state the point to which they are responding.
2)state the point they want to make.
3)use whatever support they have.
4)should summarize their point.
4. some speeches are delivered extemporaneously.
1)carefully prepared and practiced in advance
2)presented from a set of notes.
it encourages conversational vocal qualities, natural gestures, and strong eye-contact.
3. Effective speakers learn to control their voices to enhance the
impact of their message.
1. The volume: too softly, too loudly..adjust volume.
2. The pitch: high or low, monotone, vary pitch for emotion.
3. The rate: speed. too slow = audience gets bored; too fast = audience gets confused.
4. Effective pauses.
5. Vocal variety
6. Pronunciation.
7. Articulation
8. Dialect