Bibliography Styles Handbook
MLA Format: Typical entries for a book in a bibliography
A typical bibliography entry for a book has three parts: the author, title, and
publication information (this last includes place of publication, publisher, and date of
publication). These will appear as follows:
Geertz, Clifford. The Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Basic Books, 1973.
Each part of the entry is followed by a period and two spaces.
When other information is required, you will generally arrange it in the following order
with a period and two spaces after each additional item:
Author's last name, first name. Title of a part of the book. Title of the book.
Name of the editor, translator, or compiler. Number of the edition used. Number(s) of the
volume(s) used. Name of the series. Place of publication: name of publisher, date of
publication. Page numbers. Other bibliographic information and annotation.